October 17, 2024

House Hacking 101: Live Free and Turn Your Biggest Expense into a Profit Center

What if you could make your rent or mortgage payment go away?

Or, what if instead of paying that expense every month, your living situation actually paid you?

It’s not as far-fetched as it may sound.

In fact, that’s exactly what today’s guest, Craig Curelop, has done by intentionally “house hacking” over the past few years.

He’s even written a book on the topic, and it’s one I wish I’d had when I was 18 or 19! I would have definitely done some things differently.

The basic idea is to use other people’s rents to offset, or even profit from your own housing costs. On top of that, you’ll begin building wealth through real estate and earn tax benefits as well.

If you have a spare room or two in your home, or you’re interested in house hacking, this episode is going to get the gears turning for you.

Tune in as Craig runs through some examples of how you can do this. Whether you’re a young professional, or you have a family of your own, you can offset some or all of your mortgage payments.

But keep in mind, this isn’t a common path — this is living for a period of time like others won’t — as you’ll hear from Craig’s story.

“Typically you’re going to sacrifice comfortability with profitability,” Craig explained to me. But living for a few years like others won’t has given Craig the financial independence to potentially live decades like others can’t.

Getting Started with “House Hacking”: The Live-In Duplex

In April 2017, Craig moved to Denver. Two months later he closed on a duplex.

This is a super common house hacking strategy. Buy a multi-family property, live in one unit, and rent out the rest.

The duplex was a 1-bed, 1-bath on the top floor, with the same layout on the bottom floor. Craig rented out the top floor and started living on the bottom floor.

This wasn’t quite covering his mortgage though. So Craig decided to rent out his bedroom on Airbnb and made a quasi bedroom out of his living room. (Which, as Craig explained, was a futon behind a room divider and a curtain.)

“I slept behind that for a year and had a revolving door of Airbnb guests coming in and out of my house every few days for a whole year,” Craig told me.

This extra income more than covered his mortgage, allowing Craig to live there mortgage-free.

Plus, Craig said he got to meet travelers from all over the world, some of which he’s still friends with today. So it was a win-win for him.

Any Difficulties with This Kind of Living Arrangement?

This living arrangement isn’t going to appeal to everyone, even if your goal is to live rent or mortgage-free. Craig said he really enjoyed it, and after the first week or two, it became a norm for him.

His room was filled almost every day with Airbnb customers, so no problems getting paying roommates. If this is something you want to do, Craig said it’s important to make sure you are advertising the room correctly. As long as no one is surprised by the living arrangement, it’ll be fine.

He said a lot of people staying at his place even liked having someone to talk to. All while he was netting an average of $1,100 per month, with rent going as high as $1,500 in the summer months.

There were one or two roommates that started to grate on Craig.

He said, generally speaking, the longer someone stays the more chance there is they’ll become comfortable (and possibly annoying). But it was really few and far between.

What Was Your Goal for This Property?

“I wanted to completely eliminate my living expense,” Craig told me.

Craig paid $385,000 for the property. He put down 3.5% with an FHA loan, so his all-in price was $17,000.

This makes his mortgage around $2,000 a month. His combined income from renting out the top floor of his duplex and his bedroom was around $2,800 per month.

The math is simple but very attractive:

$2,800 – $2,000 = $800 profit per month.
$800 a month x 12 months = $9600 a year.
$9600 divided by $17,000 acquisition cost = 56% cash on cash return on investment.

He put aside $250 into reserves for any maintenance costs, repairs, and so on. So his cashflow when he was living in the property was $550 per month.

Craig has since moved out of the property. He now rents out both units full-time and is bringing around $3,000 in rental income. That’s still $1,000 profit each month, with a cash flow of $750 (subtracting his maintenance reserves).

House Hacking Strategy #2: Rent by Room

After a year in the duplex, Craig bought a single-family home a few miles north of Denver with 5 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.

This property cost $343,000, and Craig used a 5% conventional loan to buy it. He was about $20,000 in with closing costs and added another $10,000 for some minor renovations, so $30,000 all-in on this property.

With this property, Craig was living in his own room, which is an upgrade over his last living arrangement.

He rented out the other 4 rooms individually to bring in 4 rent checks a month.

The math for property #2 looks like this;

$3,150 Rent
($2,000) Mortgage
$1,150 Profit
($400) Put aside for reserves
$750 Cash Flow (while living there for free)

House Hacking Strategy #3: An In-Home Airbnb Unit

With two properties bringing in around $1,300 in cash flow, Craig closed on a third property just last month (at the time of recording) for $280,000 and moved out of property #2.

He rented out his room in property #2 and gave one of his tenants a $100 per month discount to be an in-house manager. They are now taking care of maintaining the property and making sure things are running smoothly.

His new property has 6 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. The top floor has 3 bedrooms and 1 bathroom, and the ground floor the other rooms. The ground floor also has its own kitchen and laundry room, so the property is perfect for splitting into two living arrangements, which is what Craig is going to do.

Craig is already renting out the rooms on the top floor and living in one himself, and plans to lease the ground floor out as an Airbnb apartment. It’s in need of some renovations first, so that’s what Craig is working on right now.

The math for property #3 looks like this;

$3,550 Rent (conservative estimate when renovations are finished).
($2,100) Mortgage
$1,450 Profit
($400) Put aside for reserves
$1,050 Cash Flow (while living there for free)

What’s Your Screening Process for Housemates Like?

“I take screening very seriously,” Craig told me.

There are some obvious risks with living with strangers, but Craig said he’s had very few problems because he screens everyone before letting someone move in. He starts by sending out applications asking for background and credit checks, then does in-person open house showings.

He takes his time to find people that he thinks will make good housemates. Craig said that when he’s renting just a room the price is lower than a house share, so he gets more applications which give him more people to choose from.

Most of his housemates are young professionals. Craig said this demographic tends to spend most of their time in their rooms. When he sees them in the main living areas they are always polite and social too.

Craig likes to get people to commit to at least an 8-month lease. But the important thing is that leases end between April 1st and August 31st as this is the easiest time to find new housemates.

What Are the Loan Options When Buying for House Hacking?

There are first-time homebuyer programs where you can get a low down payment, like as low as 1%-3%. The conventional down payment amount is 5%, and you can do this over and over, just as Craig has.

The only catch to the low down payment rates is that has to be on a single-family residence. Craig said the only way to get a low down payment on a duplex, triplex, or quad, is to use an FHA loan. But you can only have one FHA loan out at a time.

Craig said if you want a duplex/triplex, the best way to approach this is to find a property that you can fix up. Then you put down your 3.5% for example, and after you fix it up you can have 25% due to forced appreciation. You can refinance out that 25% with a loan, then use another FHA loan for another property.

The “Airbnb Arbitrage” Hack

This involves approaching a landlord with a property for rent, and offering to lease the property — but making it clear you’ll be subletting it out via Airbnb.

This is something Craig did with a friend’s property. His friend couldn’t find someone to rent his 2-bedroom, 2-bathroom condo, so Craig rented it and sublet it on Airbnb.

He made $10-15k over the course of a year and paid down his student loans.

If you don’t have a down payment for a property right now, Craig said this type of rental arbitrage is a lot easier to get into and you don’t need much capital upfront.

The only issue is that “You’re not building wealth, you’re creating a job for yourself,” Craig said.

It’s certainly a side hustle you can make some cash with though. If you want to get started, Craig said to look for vacation-type properties or places with easy access to the downtown area, and start making calls to landlords.

A few tips Craig shared for managing an Airbnb subletting side hustle:

Expect to hear a lot of “no’s” from landlords
Check with local regulatory bodies to see if you need a permit or license
Automate bookings and other tasks with software like Smartbnb.io

Related: Airbnb is one of our top money making apps. Check out the full list for more.

Suggestions for Families Looking to House Hack?

If you’ve got a couple of kids, the house hacking dynamic is much different. You probably don’t want to be cramming behind a curtain segmenting part of your house to rent it out to Airbnb guests.

You can still get into house hacking though, and it depends on what type of property you have.

Craig said there is something he calls the “luxurious house hack.” This is when a family lives in the main house and rents out an additional unit on their property.

Or, you can go down the duplex/triplex route like he did and rent out one floor. This way you have your own living space and privacy.

Craig had an interesting way of summing up how house hacking affects lifestyle:

“Typically you’re going to sacrifice comfortability with profitability. The more comfortable you are, the less profit you’re going to get,” he told me.

What if You Don’t Want to Deal With Tenants At All?

The Neighbor self-storage platform connects people with storage needs with those who have extra space. If you’ve got some excess storage capacity in your garage or elsewhere, list your space here to fill it and get paid.

According to the site, hosts are earning up to $15,000 a year running their own mini self-storage operations.

If you have a little cash to invest — as little as $500 — you can begin to add more passive real estate investments to your portfolio.

These won’t generate the eye-popping returns Craig has seen by “sacrificing comfort”, but won’t have you living behind a curtain either.

Check out our full Neighbor review to learn more.

What’s Next?

When I asked Craig what was next for him, if he was going to continue to build his real estate empire of house hacking properties, he was philosophical in his answer.

“My goal here is to be as flexible as possible, so when life throws me something I can hit it out of the park,” Craig told me.

He’s planning on at least one more house hack in the near future. Then he’s going to travel for a bit, which is something his financial independence allows. When he’s back, he’s going to buy more properties and take it from there.

He ended by saying, “When the time comes I’d like to sell all my real estate, put it in index funds, and kick back and relax for a while.”

Craig’s #1 tip for Side Hustle Nation

“Don’t be afraid to get started. If it doesn’t work, stop, you can always adjust.”

Links and Resources from this Episode

The House Hacking Strategy – Craig’s book
Real estate side hustles


Freshbooks.com – Start your 30-day free trial today!

ZipRecruiter.com – Find your next hire for free today!

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15 Legit Ways to Get Paid for Your Opinion: Up to $50k a Month!

Yes, you can get paid for your opinion — and actually get paid pretty well.

But … the most lucrative ways to get paid for your opinion take more time and effort than simply answering surveys.

In this post, I’ll break down several legit ways to turn your ideas, opinions, and feedback into real income. Combined, these methods are worth thousands of dollars a month.

Ready? Let’s do it!

1. Take Online Surveys

The easiest and fastest way to get paid for your opinion is to sign up with various online survey companies.

These won’t make you rich, but are an easy way to make extra money. Plus, you can do them in your downtime like when you’re waiting in line or watching TV.

Here are some of Side Hustle Nation’s favorites:

Swagbucks – Earn up to $35 a survey with this mega-popular app, and get a $10 bonus just for signing up!
Survey Junkie – Earn up to $40 a month and cash out beginning at just $5.
InboxDollars – Get a $5 bonus just for signing up!
Branded Surveys – One of the best-rated survey sites with millions paid out.
Pinecone Research – Earn $3 for each 15-20 minute survey. They’ll send you a $3 check after your first one.
American Consumer Opinion – Join millions of free members and earn up to $50 per survey.
YouGov – Long-running survey panel, with data often cited in the media.

If you’re consistent with these, they could be worth $30-50 a month.

2. Participate in Focus Groups and Paid Market Research

In-person and online focus groups and paid research studies pay significantly more than typical online surveys. The average compensation on these is $50-150 an hour!

Why would your opinion be worth so much? Well, many companies use customer interviews and focus groups to get early feedback on new products.

Paying a few participants like you to help get the product right is far less costly than launching the wrong product with the wrong messaging!

The downside is it can be difficult to get selected very often.

Here are some of the most reputable market research companies to sign up with.

User Interviews

User Interviews facilitate customer feedback interviews online and over the phone.

I’ve earned $105 with User Interviews so far, in exchange for about an hour and a half. Check out our full User Interviews review for more.


Respondent is a similar service, specializing in one-on-one market research interviews, mostly done over the phone or online.

According to the site, the average payout is over $100 an hour. Check out our full Respondent review for more.

(I even got paid $190 for a 2-hour in-person focus group … that involved playing with Legos!)

Rare Patient Voice

A leading source for medical research, Rare Patient Voice pays patients and caregivers $120 an hour. Most of the studies are phone or webcam interviews, and you can browse a full list of available studies on their site.

If you suffer from any sort of medical condition (even if it’s not super rare), I think this one is worth a look.


FocusGroup.com is run by Sago, a long-running research company. They offer nationwide phone or webcam research opportunities that pay between $75 and $200.

I earned $115 for a 45-minute online survey — check out my full FocusGroup.com review to learn more.

3. Build a Website

One of the best ways to get paid for your opinion is to create a helpful website.

In fact, that’s what I do on this site! Every month I earn thousands of dollars sharing my opinion on the best side hustles of the year and other topics.

As with most businesses, there’s a lot to learn about creating and marketing your site, but it can be extremely lucrative. 

For example:

Shelly Marmor earns $50k a month sharing Mexico travel tips!
Andrew Fiebert earns 6-figures a year sharing gift ideas

Want to start a website of your own? Check out my free 6-part video course on how to start your own site.


Low startup costs

Great long-term earning power

Can sell the business down the road


Slow to see results

Lots of skills to learn

4. Start a Newsletter

An email newsletter is a low-cost side hustle to start. (Tools like Substack, SendFox, and Beehiiv make it easier than ever.)

One model to consider is a daily or weekly “curation” newsletter. How it works is you source the most interesting stories in your niche, and share those with your subscribers.

For bonus points, add your own insight and commentary to each headline.

As the subscriber base grows, most newsletters eventually monetize with ads or paid subscriptions.

One fun (and very opinionated) example is Codie Sanchez’ Contrarian Thinking. In it, she breaks down topics like entrepreneurship, buying businesses, and investing — all through a “contrarian” lens.

Do you have a favorite newsletter you subscribe to?

5. Host a Podcast

Podcasting is another unique way to build an income stream around your opinions. It can take a while to build an audience, but it’s a business that can scale really well.

After all, it takes the same effort to produce an episode that 100 people listen to as it does to produce one that 100,000 people listen to.

Top podcasts earn up to $100,000 for a single episode — but even smaller shows can thrive with a niche topic. We’ve seen successful side hustle examples from a range of podcast niches, including:

Dinosaurs (for real!)
App marketing

This could be a good fit if you love to talk!

6. Start a YouTube Channel

YouTube is an interesting platform because it’s designed for both education and entertainment. And the algorithm rewards creators with compelling, engaging content.

To get paid for your opinion on YouTube, you’ll need to start building out your channel. Use a tool like TubeBuddy to research various topics and their competitiveness.

After your channel reaches certain metrics, you’ll be able to monetize with Google’s built-in advertising system. Other video creators make money from:

fan donations
affiliate partnerships
brand sponsorships
selling their own product or service

For example, my buddy Marko Zlatic runs a popular channel called WhiteBoard Finance. He breaks down complex personal finance topics and gives his opinion on current money events — and earns a healthy 6-figure income from home.

7. Write a Book

One of my favorite and most passive side hustles is self-publishing. Passive — after the whole book-writing part, that is 🙂

My books share my opinion on topics like:

how to work with virtual assistants
the most important items every website should have
how to start a side hustle

Over the last decade, my collection of titles have earned me over $80,000.

I can’t call myself a full-time author, but it’s a fun way to get paid to put your ideas and opinions out into the world.

8. Go Mystery Shopping

As a mystery shopper, you get to try new things and make some extra money at the same time.

For example, you can get paid $3-10 or more to:

check product displays
verify inventory levels at stores
sample new products or restaurants and give your opinion

The free Field Agent app makes it super easy to find available tasks in your area.

It’s hard to piece together a consistent income on Field Agent, but it is a fun way to make some money on the shopping trips you’re already making. Check out my full Field Agent app review for more.

9. Test Websites

Sites like UserTesting and Intellizoom pay you to give feedback on websites. It’s free to sign up and you’ll record your screen while you test features and functionality.

These typically pay $10 for every 20-minute test, but they fill up fast!

10. Product Testing

Another well-established “pay for opinions” company is Product Report Card. They offer paid surveys, product testing and review gigs, and online focus groups.

The best-paying work is for in-home product tests and remote interviews and focus groups — often in the $75-$150/hour range.

Product Report Card will also give you a $5 welcome bonus for completing a short survey after you join. There’s a $25 minimum to cash-out.

11. Review Products on Amazon

No, in most cases Amazon won’t pay you to leave written reviews of the products you buy, but there’s still good news.

If you’re accepted into the Amazon Influencer Program, you can get paid to create short video product reviews.

In turn, Amazon displays those on the relevant product pages, and rewards you a commission when someone makes a purchase after watching your video.

I made a little over $100 doing this in my first month, with very little effort! Plus, I’ve connected with other side hustlers earning $2,000 a month sharing their opinions on Amazon products.

12. Freelance Writing

Many companies hire freelance writers to create:

website content
sales copy
marketing newsletters
product descriptions
brochures and training material

And yes, even in the age of AI, there’s still a strong demand for real human writers who have experience, voice, and an opinion on what they’re writing about.

Freelance writers command anywhere from $50-500 or more per article, and can connect with clients on platforms like Upwork and Fiverr.

For example, Georgia Austin started her freelance writing business on Fiverr, and got her first orders right away. The more you practice your writing, the faster you’ll get.

13. Write Software Reviews

G2 and Capterra are a popular software review platforms that occasionally pay Amazon gift cards for honest product reviews.

I’ve received several of these—worth over $100 in total—for writing reviews of software I use for work.

The best way to get started is to leave your first review for free. During that process, they’ll ask what other tools you use.

Don’t review those yet — wait for an email to come through offering a gift card incentive.

All in all, it’s a pretty easy way to get paid, albeit in the form of gift cards.

14. Coaching and Consulting

Many individuals and companies hire coaches and consultants to help them solve problems.

Over the years, I’ve hired several myself for podcasting, SEO, and general business systems. Those professionals got paid for their insight, expertise, and opinions on what changes I should implement.

And it’s not just me — consulting is a big business, with an estimated industry size of over $300 billion.

One potential way to connect with clients is to post helpful videos on YouTube, like Paul Minors did about Asana.

For coaching, take a look at a platform like Coach.me.

15. Solve Interesting Problems

MindSumo is a cool service that asks for your input on certain questions on behalf of its corporate clients. The best and most creative answers earn rewards of $550-1600.

When I was browsing, I saw questions like “How would you improve the car buying experience?” and “How can we make laundry less of a hassle?”

Getting Paid for Your Opinion: Your Turn

What’s the best way to get paid for your opinion? Of course it depends on your goals and interests.

For some, completing a few surveys a week and earning a few extra dollars a month is perfectly fine. Others would argue it’s not worth their time.

I’m not one to judge either way — I’ve done almost everything on this list! Still, my preference is for side hustles with either a strong hourly rate or the ability to scale down the road.

Serious About Making Extra Money?

Start Your Free $500 Challenge. My free 5-day email course shows you how to add $500 to your bottom line.
Join the free Side Hustle Nation Community. The free Facebook group is the best place to connect with other side hustlers and get your questions answered.
Download The Side Hustle Show. My free podcast shares how to make extra money with actionable weekly episodes.

The award-winning Side Hustle Show is a
Top 10 Entrepreneurship podcast
with over 1,100 5-star ratings!

Listen in your favorite podcast app or directly in your browser.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you really get paid for your opinion?

Yes, there are lots of ways to get paid for your opinion — and taking online surveys only scratches the surface. The people making the most from their opinions are content creators like freelance writers, website owners, YouTube channel hosts, and newsletter creators.

What online survey companies pay the most?

Online survey companies like Swagbucks and Inbox Dollars get a lot of press, but you’ll have to dig a little deeper for better paying options. For example, the academic research site Prolific tends to pay slightly more. But your best bet is to look for paid market research studies and focus groups through services like User Interviews. Check out the full post on Side Hustle Nation to learn other legit ways to get paid for your opinion.

Are online surveys a good side hustle?

Online surveys are a common, easy, and legit side hustle to start, but most don’t pay very well. (Like, less than minimum wage.) So you have to ask yourself: could you time be better spent elsewhere?