February 21, 2025

You Are NOT Alone!

One of the common disadvantages of working from home is that you are physically alone throughout the majority of the day, or have no other adults around who can help you to become motivated whenever you feel a bit flat. When you work in an office situation, there is always someone else around whom you can bounce ideas off and chat with to become enthusiastic about your work again, but when you work from home; you can feel quite alone when you are feeling uninspired about your work.

This is why you need to stay connected with other people when you work from home. Here are five ways you can stay connected and increase your own motivation.

The Advantages of having a Coach

A life or business coach can really help you when you need additional drive to get your business going. A coach can help you to set realistic goals and can provide the inspiration or encouragement you need to reach those goals. Everyone has days when everything seems a bit flat and you don’t feel as creative as you want to be. Talking with your business coach could be just the medicine you need to get back on track to meet your business goals.

Participate in Online Forums

When you are sitting in front of your computer at home staring at a blank screen in desperation, remember there are thousands of people around the world who have experienced similar sensations. Connecting with an online community in a forum can give you the help and support you need to keep going with your small business. You can get helpful advice and even just knowing that you are not alone can help you to feel better.

Tweet Your Way to Success

Twitter is a great way to stay connected in this online world. Tweets are short to write, so you do not have to spend much time to stay connected with other small business entrepreneurs, but the connection can give you a lift just when you need it most. Sending or receiving an uplifting message of inspiration will help you to stay motivated.

Meet with Your Mentor

Sometimes, it can be inspiring to meet or chat with your mentor or a close friend. If you have a business mentor or someone who is mentoring you in your personal life, it can be inspiring to meet with your mentor for support and encouragement. Connect with the people who you know can inspire you to achieve greater things and who will help you to get over your current slump.

Read Your Way to Inspiration

Finally, you can motivate yourself by reading inspirational words from other successful entrepreneurs. There are thousands of motivational self-help resources available including websites, books, CDs and DVDs. Find a book or website that you always find stimulating and bookmark the pages that will provide motivation to succeed. Whenever you feel down, go back to your inspirational source and read your way to renewed enthusiasm.

Whenever you work from home, as many small business entrepreneurs do, it can be difficult to stay motivated by yourself all the time. Making efforts to stay connected with your various support people in your network, both online and offline can make the difference between business success and business failure.

Seek Advice

You may agree with me that there are a lot of ‘make money online’ products out there who promise to show you how you too can make hundreds or even thousands of dollars a week working only a few hours a day from the comfort of your home. You may also agree with me (i.e. if you are one of those who have tried hard but failed as many times as you have tried) that these marketers fail to tell you that there is no easy way to making good money online; they fail to tell you the main secrets.

The secret is to pick one method – could be yours, one from a renowned marketer, or a combination of both – and stick with it with no matter how many times you fail – but do it differently each time so you don’t fit in Albert Einstein’s definition of insanity. You have to monitor, tweak and put as much effort as possible into making your methods a winner for you. The one word for this is ‘persistence’ while testing your methods over and over again, until it is refined and completely mastered. Picking one strategy will, in essence, help you stay focused and on course to making your dream money online.

What should you persist on? – What criteria should you use to pick the one method? What niche will bear you fruits quicker if you persisted and work hard? Exactly how should you promote your niche product? All these questions, and how to drive enough traffic in order to start making good money online, are ones that usually pop up in a lot of newbie marketers’ mind. We know by now that no ebook or course ever spells out these critical points in exact detail. This is what is so frustrating because most of these so called ‘super affiliates’ are just after your money and will do anything to get it. It is also one major thing capable of leading you on your way to the roller-coaster ride every affiliate, aspiring to make money online, end up on. It usually leads one to spending all their time and money only to make nothing in return.

The best thing to do is look carefully and find yourself a mentor that is completely focused and thorough in explaining his/her concept on how to make money online. This is the one, and only one, method (mixed with your own intelligence) that you should follow with pure persistence and faith until you too start making the money you so desired while working from home – or any internet enabled computer for that matter. Follow your chosen mentor as much as possible and, with your own added intelligence, you’ll begin to learn exactly what to promote as an affiliate, where to promote it and exactly how to promote it to make a consistent amount of income.

By now, it should be clear that one of the keys to making good money online is to have a mentor that can prove their success, and get you making money in no time. How do you find one you say? Well, I’ll say you look for them on the internet (using Google of course) or look for people who already have mentors and are not ashamed to refer you to them. At the end of the day, it boils down to you trusting yourself completely to making the right decision and following through. Yes, you too can up to $147,650 online while working a few hours a day from the comfort of your home – you’ve just got to believe in yourself.