February 21, 2025

Health Insurance Plan Options

Many people do not realize or appreciate just how important their health is until it is too late. Therefore it is an important asset and as with all important assets, it should be insured.

Health insurance is defined as a policy that will pay a fixed amount of money for medical expenses and treatments and is basically a way to ensure protection against any sickness or injury. A number of different categories fall within the umbrella of health insurance like those for disability income insurance, dismemberment insurance, medical expenses and accidental death insurance to name only a few. This gives flexibility and a person can arrange specific types of cover depending on his or her needs.

Fee-for-service plans have been around for a long time and are the most basic of plans available in which the insurance company does not have to pay out unlimited amounts but only an agreed percentage or amount agreed at the time the policy is started. The problem with this plan is that before it can be started, a single payment known as a deductible has to made, then monthly premiums thereafter; fortunately fee-for-services plans are not that common anymore.

Another type of plan is that run by health maintenance organizations where the insured chooses a doctor but must use that doctor each time he has a health problem before he can be referred elsewhere; often know as gatekeepers. The idea behind this is that the insured and doctor will build up a relationship which should be of benefit t both and where the doctor can gain their trust and help to provide preventative advice for good health.

Preferred Provider Organization- is basically a combination of fee-for-service and Health Maintenance Organizations where you designate a network of hospitals and doctors by whichever insurance you buy the options are confined to that set of doctors and hospitals. Medical expenses are covered by the Preferred Provider Organization only when the insured person resorts to the preferred or network providers; however, if you visit a hospital or doctor outside your network, you will often pay an increased amount.

Becoming more commonplace is the Exclusive Provider Organization where health care providers both individual and groups enter into an agreement with the health insurance providers. All medical costs are met by the Exclusive Medical Organization providing it is with one of those in the network and any medical attention supplied outside of this will not be paid, but some exceptions do exist.

Now you have some of the health insurance plan options open to you it is worth talking to your health benefits manager where you work and discuss the best type of plan that will protect the health of your family and you. Of course a doctor is always a good person to ask as they are generally familiar with every type of health plan available.

Mothers Working From Home

Advantages of Working from Home:

  • Increased family time
  • Saves on some expenses
  • Tax deductions
  • Less stress
  • Flexible schedules

Mothers working from home have more of a flexible schedule depending on the type of employment they seek. Telecommuting jobs will often have the mother working regular hours, with benefits and better pay. This can be both an advantage and disadvantage. First, when you are working for an actual company, you reap benefits such as health care, steady work, and regular pay; however, you do have to work a set amount of hours and be available to a boss. While you are able to take care of your children when they are sick or take an extended break to see to family issues like going to doctors appointments you will not have the flexible hours you would have with your own company. Therefore, you will have a more flexible schedule when you work from home, especially if you are an independent contractor. Now you can look at some savings.

When mothers work from home, they can deduct a portion of expenses from their taxes because they are using their home for a business. That means during tax time you will save a little money you might otherwise not been able to. Tax deductions are usually on monthly expenses such as electric, Internet, as well as equipment you may need to purchase for the career. You will also save expenses on transportation costs.

Mothers who work from home tend to drive less, which means putting less miles on the car and therefore they don’t need as much gas or maintenance. The last benefit for savings comes with the cost of day care. Day care for younger children can be several hundred dollars a month. This savings can be put towards other areas such as health care and still keep the mom family oriented.Along with any job choice a mother has, there is the opposite side of things. While you will have increased family time, save on expenses, better tax deductions, less stress, and flexible hours you are also cutting out certain things. First mothers working from home tend to make less, which can make the monthly expenses a little too much to handle.

Mothers working from home generally have to find health insurance because independent contractors are responsible for themselves. This can be quite costly when you consider it against the savings. You also have to look at the effectiveness of working from home as a mother. When mothers choose to work from home they have to set up boundaries for when they can handle interruptions. You may find your work ethic slipping because of the interruptions. On the other hand, if you find a telecommuting company that gives you strict schedules you may find benefits and all the advantages of working from home.

Mothers working from home have to weigh the options of family when they consider working from home. Mothers want to be at home with their children and still make money enough to support their families. Often times with the changing economy and housing costs it is extremely difficult to work from home with a loss on income despite the overall savings. Mothers also feel guilt when they go off to work and leave their children in day care.